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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Quick Tip - Do You Know How Food Is Processed Through Your Body?

Our Digestive System     Digestive System : Human digestive system and neuron   Stock Photo

Foods Travels Through Our:
  • Mouth - up to minute (carbohydrates are broken down here)

  • Esophagus - 5-10 seconds

  • Stomach - 1-3 hours (carbohydrates and proteins are broken down here   Digestive System : stomach ulcer Stock Photo

  • Small Intestine - 1-6 hours (fats are broken down here and absorbs the nutrients from your food)

  • Large Intestine - 12 - 36 hours    Digestive System : Colon cancer  Stock Photo

More information to come.

Remember information is power

Live well
Doc V

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