Quick Tip: Keeping Cool in the Heat
When temperatures are 90 degrees and higher, you must be careful not to become victims of heat exposure.
Hot, humid temperatures can cause many medical problems:
- Heat exhaustion
- Heat cramps
- Heat stroke
It is important to check on the homeless, infants, younger children, elderly, disabled relatives, neighbors and friends.
Make sure they drink adequate amount of liquids to prevent dehydration and other heat-related illnesses.
Your chances of getting sick in Hot weather are increased by:
- Drinking alcoholic beverages
- High blood pressure
- Problems with circulation
- Diabetes
- Previous stroke
- Infection or fever
- Diarrhea
- Weak or damaged heart
- Improper air ventilation
- Skin diseases or sunburn which may reduce sweating
- Asthma and other respiratory conditions
- Taking certain medications
What are The Warning Signs?
- Headache
- Nausea, clamminess, chills
- Weakness or fatigue
- Dizziness or periods of faintness
- Rapid breathing
- High body temperature
- Dry, hot skin
- Severe muscle pain (arm,leg)
- High blood pressure
- Anxiety and listlessness
- Unconsciousness
What to do if you see a Warning Sign?
- Stay calm
- Call a doctor or an ambulance (9-1-1)
- Lie the victim on his or her back
- Loosen victim's clothing and or remove as much clothing as possible
- Give victim sips of water, only if they are alert
- Raise the victim's feet about a foot from the ground
- Fan the victim's skin
- Apply cool, wet cloths to the victim's skin
- Move the victim to a cool area if possible
- Avoid massaging the victim's muscle cramps
- Avoid using heat packs
How to prevent Heat Illnesses:
- Drink plenty of fluids, preferable plain water
- Avoid hot and heavy meals
- Avoid strenuous outdoor activities
- Try to sit in a shady area
- Wear a hat and loose clothing (light colored)
- Avoid alcoholic or beverages with caffeine
- Stay out of the sun as much as possible
Information is Power! Use it!
Stay Cool, Stay Hydrated!
Live well
Doc V
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