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Monday, October 18, 2010

The Bathroom is Important

Health Tip Week October 18-22, 2010 

The Bathroom is another important issue that we do not talk about. We teach on Health and Wellness and the importance of living right and eating healthy. As a result of eating healthier you will begin to release toxins more frequently from your body.

I was asked a question about the Bathroom. A young lady stated that she can not go to the bathroom in public places or any place other than her home. She holds her urine and bowels  until she returns home.  She is presently experiencing severe stomach and side pains and occasional headaches.    

I am not a physician but as a Health & Wellness Advocate and participant. I can assume that her problems may be as a result of not releasing on a constant more frequent basis. 

Let's Talk

The bathroom is a place to release toxins. It is not suppose to feel or smell good and I know other than your home most bathrooms are disgusting but when you have to go, you must go! We travel throughout the world and because of our diets 30-40 minutes after we eat we have to release. I carry hand and body sanitizer every where I go and I rarely sit on toilets and when I have too I layer the toilet seat with paper.  

We know this is not a popular subject but when you ask we respond.

The Bathroom is a room that usually contains a bathtub, shower, washbasin and toilet

                                                                                                                       Females and Males use the bathroom

The sink is a bowl-shaped fixture with faucets (cold or hot) used for washing hands or smalls objects.

The toilet is a plumbing fixture devised for the disposal of bodily wastes, including urine, feces, menses and vomit.

The first inside  flush toilet was originated 1775
1857 Toilet paper was invented and in
1907 the roll form was introduced 

See our Health Tip on Thursday August 12, 2010  Toxin Release "The Bowels"

 Let us know your thoughts on this subject

Live well
Doc V

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