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Monday, February 14, 2011

The Power of Yogurt

Health Tip - Week of February 14-18, 2011

The Power of Yogurt (good bacteria)

Yogurt is a custard like food with a tart flavor prepared from milk, curdled by bacteria, especially lactobacillus bulgarious and streptococcus thermophilus, and often sweetened or flavored with fruit. 
                                                             Yogurt : fresh strawberry fruit on a spoon with yogurt close up Stock Photo

Plain or Unflavored Yogurt can be made from cow, sheep, or goat milk.

Types of Yogurt:
  • Custured-Style Yogurt
  • Swiss or French -Style Yogurt
  • European-Style Yogurt
  • Stirred Cured Yogurt
  • Frozen Yogurt
  • Sundae-Style Yogurt 
  • Strained Yogurt
  • Greek Yogurt
  • Soy Yogurt
  • Regular - Fat           Yogurt : Yoghurt with the cucumber and with chives. Stock Photo
  • Low - Fat (made from 1% or 2% reduced fat milk)
  • Fat - Free (made from fat free skimmed milk)
  • Organic (made with no antibiotics or hormones, pesticides or chemicals) 
  • Dairy Free - Almond, Coconut or Rice 
Yogurt has "Live and Active Cultures" refers to the living bacteria Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptoccus thermophilus, which converts milk to yogurt.

What to look for in your Yogurt Choice?
  • Calories 100-150
  • Fat 3.5 grams or less (low-fat or nonfat)
  • Saturated fat 2 grams or less
  • Protein 8-10 grams
  • Sugar 20 grams of less
  • Calcium a least 20 percent of the daily value
  • Vitamin D at least 20 percent of the daily value
Prebiotic or Prebiotics are a food source for probiotic bacteria a healthy bacteria for the body.

Benefits of Yogurt:
  • Provides good floral/colon bacteria      Yogurt : Blackberry yogurt pot macro.  shallow dof.
  • Helps prevents osteoporosis
  • Reduces risk of high blood pressure
  • Helps keep your gut healthy
  • Helps prevent vaginal infections
  • Helps curb appetite (feel fuller)
Yogurt : Healthy breakfast of yogurt and fresh berries              Yogurt : Strawberry in yogurt cup              Yogurt : yoghurt with cereal and wild berries  Stock Photo     

  • Helps give you a flat ab
  • Loaded with vitamins:
    • potassium
    • phosphorus
    • riboflavin
    • iodine
    • zinc
    • vitamin B5 and B12          Yogurt : Mint yogurt dessert with oranges and candles in background. Shallow DOF

  • Helps with quick workout recovery    
  • Great source of calcium and vitamin D
  • Helps strengthen your immune system
  • Helps maintain your smile (gums & teeth)
  • A high protein food

News Flash! For you Vegan/Vegetarians or persons who are lactose intolerant you can enjoy the benefits of Yogurt (good bacteria) by eating Almond, Coconut or Rice Yogurt (dairy and soy free).

I eat two to three servings a day (rice or coconut milk yogurt)  it tastes wonderful.

Try eating a serving of Yogurt today it will help you maintain a healthy lifestyle. 

     Yogurt : greek yogurt  with cucumber and watercress      You can also, find Yogurt that is made from Goat or Sheep milk in a drinkable form (smoothie) or cheese.

Remember information is power!

Live well
Doc V

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