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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Body Fungus

Fungus of the Body is a problem we do not pay attention to

 Skin fungus        Ringworm of the foot (tinea pedis).   Foot Fungus   

Ringworm of the groin (tinea cruris).      Ringworm of the groin (tinea cruris) Fungus

Ringworm of the hand (tinea manus).    Ringworm Fungus of the Hand

Nail Fungus Candida albicans a type of fungus that is fairly common on the human body. This can lead to painful inflammation  around the nails, while the nails themselves can become ridged and brittle and change color to green or yellow.

What is it?  

Fungus is a single celled or multicellular organism (histopasmosis and coccidioidomycosis) that causes infections in healthy person's or they can be opportunistic pathogens.

Foot Fungus : dirty infected foot mycosis on white background Stock Photo                                               

Common Fungus is the yeast organism which causes thrush and diaper rash (diaper dermatitis) and vaginal yeast infection.

Fungi are also used for the development  of antitoxins and other drugs used to control various human diseases.

Types of Fungus in or on the body:
  • Ringworms
  • Mouth
  • Eye
  • Nail
  • Leg
  • Breast (under)
  • Anus (crack area) 
  • Foot (athletes)
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Vaginal (candidas)
  • Penis
  • Groin Area 
  • Respiratory System    


We will continue this topic with traditional and natural treatments.

Our goal on this site is to provide information and education that will stimulate thought and provoke you to become your own health advocate.  

Today take a long scanning look over your body and look for any skin discolorations, raised skin, white mucus in your mouth/throat area or stool, or new bumps, etc. 

If you are married have your spouse look in areas you can not see if you are single use a mirror or ask a family member (sibling) or close friend for help. 

Information is Power and a Life Saver!

For more information go to,,

Live well
Doc V

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