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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Quick Tip - Eat A Light Meal At Least Once A Week

Staying healthy through information, knowledge and wisdom.

Eat a light meal "Fresh Organic Vegetables , Fruits and Light Whole Grains" all day once a week.
A good natural body detoxifier

         Fresh Fruits And Vegetables : Fresh Vegetables, Fruits and other foodstuffs. Stock Photo      Fresh Fruits And Vegetables : Fresh Vegetables, Fruits and other foodstuffs. Shot in a studio.    Salad : Fresh  greens salad and tomatoes close up

      Fresh Fruits And Vegetables : Kiwi and Raspberries        Fresh Fruits And Vegetables : Fresh Vegetables, Fruits and other foodstuffs. Shot in a studio.          Fresh Fruits And Vegetables : Fresh Vegetables, Fruits and other foodstuffs. Huge collection

          Whole Grains : Arrangement of English loaf Stock Photo             Whole Grains : Healthy sandwich

 Keep your Water flowing

Live well
Doc V

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