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We are a community advocating for "Right Living and Healthy Eating."

Spreading A Message of Health and Wellness Throughout Our Nation

Spreading A Message of Health and Wellness Throughout Our Nation
A workshop on understanding the importance of "Eating Healthy and Living Right"

Keep it Simple, Laugh, Dance, Never Carry Unnecessary Burdens, and Live Well

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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Quick Tip - Depression

Good Day Cor-Les Community  we are still receiving questions on this subject. Please seek professional help (minister, mental health counselor, therapist, or psychologist) if you are experiencing these signs or triggers. 

Depression is a feeling of sadness, feeling blue, unhappy, miserable, and down in the dumps.

Remember the Signs and Triggers of Depression   Dark Sky : Eye

  • Trouble sleeping or excessive sleeping
  • A dramatic change in appetite (weight gain or loss)
  • Fatigue or lack of energy
  • Feeling of worthlessness
  • Self hate and inappropriate guilt
  • Extreme difficulty concentrating
  • Agitation, Restlessness and irritable
  • Inactivity and withdrawal from usual activities
  • Feeling of hopelessness and helplessness
  • Recurring thoughts of death or suicide
               Blood :   a bloody heart symbolizes unhappy love                       Dark Sky : Big ocean wave breaking the shore                 Dark Sky : Cross at sunset with a dramatic sky - horizontal.

For more information on this topic please see our Health and Quick Tips on August 10, 2010

Do not take life too serious
Believe in God, Let go, surround yourself with happy thoughts and people. 

I live by this statement every day from my father
(Charles T. Robinson)
"Life is a cinch if you live it by the inch but hard by the yard"

Live well
Doc V

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