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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Are You Carrying Parasites In Your Body?

Health Tip - Week April 4-8, 2011

What Parasites are you carrying?

85 - 95% of adults and children have Parasites and are the most toxic agent in the human body.
Parasites are one of the primary causes of disease in the body.

 Intestinal  Flukeworm       Whipworms
 Tapeworms      Hookworms

  Pinworms   Roundworms

Types of Parasites:
  • Roundworms - found in the intestines
  • Pinworms - found in the large intestine some cases found in the vagina, uterus, fallopian tubes or liver
  • Hookworms - found in the liver and lungs and small intestine
  • Whipworms - found crawling up into the mouth or nose
  • Intestinal Flukes - found in the small intestine
The World Health Organization released a report that 80% of all Human diseases are caused by: 
  • Parasites
  • Asthma
  • Diabetes
  • Eczema and psoriasis
  • Inflammation of the joints
Parasites can enter the body through:
  • Infected food
  • Water
  • Excessive use of chemicals and antibiotics
  • Mosquito, Flea, Housefly, Sandfly
  • Sexual contact
  • Nose (contaminated dust)
  • Exposed skin (bare feet)
Diagnoses of Parasites in the body:
  • Peptic ulcer
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Yeast infections
  • Diabetes and hypoglycemia
Symptoms of Parasite Infestation in the Body:
  • Fatigue or weakness (feeling tired most of the time)
  • Digestive problems (gas, bloating, constipation or diarrhea)
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Stomach pain
  • Gastrointestinal symptoms or bulky stool
  • Food sensitivity
  • Allergic-like reactions
  • Joint/muscle pain or inflammation
  • Anemia or iron deficiency
  • Hives, rashes, weeping eczema, cutaneous ulcer, swelling, sores, papular lesions, itchy dermatitis
  • Restlessness and anxiety
  • Interrupted sleep
  • Grind teeth
  • Bacterial or viral infections
  • Depression
  • Difficulty in gaining or losing weight
  • Passing worms in your stool
Natural Treatments for Parasites Infestation in the Body:
  • Garlic
  • Golden seal
  • Black walnut
  • Wormwood
  • Wormseed
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Grapefruit seed extract
  • Dietary changes avoid:
    • coffee
    • sugar
    • alcohol
    • refined foods
    • meat not cooked well done
    • saturated fat
    • junk food
    • white flour
    • yeast
    • tobacco
  • Eat more anti-parasitic foods:
    • raw garlic
    • pineapple
    • papaya seeds
    • carrot
    • sweet potatoes
    • squash
  • Increase probiotics
  • Intestinal cleansing (1-2 yearly)

Please educate yourself and your family about proper food handling and storage practices.  

If you think you have intestinal parasites or experiencing any of the listed symptoms please see your primary health care provider or a naturalpathy doctor.

Live well
Doc V

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Quick Tip -Vitamin D

Vitamin D
Vitamin D is a great Heart Health Supporter
It supports healthy circulation and helps reduce inflammation
Good Food Sources:
  • Fish   Fish : Two raw sea breams with dill on white plate, lemon and olive oil isolated on white background Stock Photo
  • Shellfish   Shellfish : Crab plate Stock Photo
  • Fortified milk and dairy  Glass Milk : Abstract milk splash against black background
  • Eggs   Eggs : Eggs  Stock Photo
  • Shitake mushrooms  Shitake Mushroom : Pile of shiitake mushrooms on bamboo mat. Stock Photo
  • Fortified cereals    Fortified Cereal : Bowl of breakfast cereal with blueberries Stock Photo
Live well Doc V

Quick Tip - Fiber

Fiber (soluble)

Fiber supports healthy cholesterol levels, keeps blood sugar levels down, and helps with your overall heart health.

Good Food Sources
Oat bran  - Fortified Cereal : Delicious Bran breakfast cereal with fresh fruit
Beans - Beans : raw kidney beans    Stock Photo
Peas - Beans : Sugar Snap Peas
Rice bran - Whole Grains : ripe rye ears and  seeds  on white background

Barley - Barley : Beautiful barley and oat field with cereal plant growing in all directions, chaos concept.
Citrus - Citrus Fruit : This is a composite shot of four different citrus fruit. Stock Photo
Strawberries - Strawberry : Few Strawberries isolated on white
Pears - Pears : Pear in slices  on white background
Whole grains - Whole Grains : Whole wheat bread Stock Photo

Live well
Doc V

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Life Saver " Colonoscopy "

Health Tip - Week March 28 - 31, 2011


  A Colonoscopy is a procedure that enables an examiner (a gastroenterologist) to evaluate the appearance of the inside of the colon (large bowel).
Colon : highlighted colon
This is accomplished by inserting a thin long flexible tube(a colonoscope) that is 48 to 72 inches long and about the thickness of a finger into the anus and then advancing the colonoscope slowly into the rectum and through the colon.
Colon : human organs with highlighted colon Stock Photo

The tip of the colonoscope has a light and video camera that your physician can video and take pictures  of the lining of your intestines.
           It is recommended that both men and women  starting at age 50 should have the following tests done:
  • Yearly fecal occult, blood test plus flexible sigmoidoscopy every 5 years
  • Colonocopy every 10 years
  • Double contract barium enema
All of these test should be accompanied with a digital rectal examination

The Colonoscopy looks for Colon Cancer

Colon Cancer is the number two cancer killer in the United States, 140,000 people are diagnosed yearly and over 50,000 people die every year. African Americans have the highest rate of Colorectal Cancer incidence and mortality of all racial groups in the United States.

Colon : Colon cancer  Stock Photo               Colon : colon cancer Stock Photo            Colon : colon cancer Stock Photo
 Colon Cancer is a slow growing malignant (cancerous) tumor arising from the inner wall of the large intestine. Although the exact cause of colon cancer is not known research suggest that:

  • Heredity
  • Environmental factors
  • Poor diet 
  • Obesity
  • Physical inactivity
  • Smoking
  • Heavy alcohol use
  • Type 2 diabetes
Colon : colon polyps Stock Photo      The colonoscopy test allows your physician to see the inside of your colon and rectum visualized in images transmitted from the camera to a television monitor ( optical colonoscopy). Allowing them to see any ulcers, colon polyps, tumors, inflammation or bleeding.

                                                               Colon : colon and intestines

While the procedure is being done, your physician can also perform a biopsy (take tissue samples) or remove any polyps.

Preparation for the Colonoscopy is done the day before the examination emptying the colon using laxatives, prior to the Colonoscopy, an intravenous infusion (IV) is started and you are placed on a monitor for continuously monitoring the rhythm of your heart, blood pressure, and the amount of oxygen in the blood. Medication is given to make you feel sleepy and relaxed. You may have a feeling of pressure, cramping, and bloating. 

While this test may feel like an intrusion it is the most important test you can take to prevent Colorectal Cancer.  It is a preventable disease (98% cure rate) through early detection and a healthy lifestyle. 
For more information go to,,,, and

Special Note:

Cor-Les Community this subject is very close to my heart because my grandmother Lessie A.Crenshaw died of Colorectal Cancer 22 years ago. It could have been prevented. My grandmother sat on a flatable pillow and use unlimited amounts of preparation - H. When the pain became unbearable she went to the hospital and the cancer had  already spread to the other organs in her body. I believe she would be alive today if she would have taken the test earlier.
So Family PLEASE! PLEASE! get tested it will save your life.    

Live well
Doc V

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Quick Tip - Do You Know How Food Is Processed Through Your Body?

Our Digestive System     Digestive System : Human digestive system and neuron   Stock Photo

Foods Travels Through Our:
  • Mouth - up to minute (carbohydrates are broken down here)

  • Esophagus - 5-10 seconds

  • Stomach - 1-3 hours (carbohydrates and proteins are broken down here   Digestive System : stomach ulcer Stock Photo

  • Small Intestine - 1-6 hours (fats are broken down here and absorbs the nutrients from your food)

  • Large Intestine - 12 - 36 hours    Digestive System : Colon cancer  Stock Photo

More information to come.

Remember information is power

Live well
Doc V

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Quick Tip - The Bladder

The Bladder

The Bladder is a sack that holds urine and is part of your urinary tract  

The Bladder is located in the lower part of your abdomen

                               Human Bladder Skeleton : Pelvis X-ray view from radiology imagery.

Symptoms of Bladder Problems:
  • Difficult or painful urination    Urine : Scientist hand with glove holding a glass test tube in a science research lab Stock Photo

  • Frequent urination, intense urges to urinate, or loss of Bladder control        

                                      Adult Diaper : Adult Diaper

  • Urine that is bloody, cloudy, dark, or strong smelling    Urine : A fresh urine sample in a medical container. Stock Photo

                                      Blood : bacteria

  • Long-term pain in the back or sides         Urine : Photo of a urine sample isolated on white Stock PhotoBack Pain Skeleton : 3D render of a medical skeleton showing an overweight female with back pain

If you are experiencing any of the stated symptoms please see your physician or go to a local health clinic immediately. 

Live well
Doc V

Spring Check-up

Health Tip - Week March 21-25, 2011

Spring Check-up       Blood And Urine : Medical Syringe with result - many uses in medical field. Stock Photo                    Blood And Urine : A bottle of glucose teststrip, isolated

Medical Tests : Medical still life with Hospital admission paperwork and a Doctor's stethoscope.               Medical Tests : Heart beat on a monitor Stock Photo        Medical Tests : A blood pressure cuff with rubber gloves on a blue background, medical costs

It's that time of year for your Annual Check Ups or Age Appropriate Exams:
  • Cholesterol Check
  • Colonoscopy (examination of the colon)
  • Blood Pressure
  • Blood Sugar Levels (diabetes)
  • Bone Density Level (osteoporosis)
  • Dental (gum &teeth)
  • Eye Exam
  • Gynecologist Exam (Pap test & pelvic exam)
  • Hearing Test
  • HIV/AIDS Test
  • Mammogram
  • Skin Health (mole exam)
  • Sexually transmitted infection (STI) tests
  • Prostate
  • Stress Levels
  • Anxiety and Depression

Metabolism : A snail sitting on an apple. Health concept. Stock Photo  Eat healthier to speed up your Metabolism

      Spring : Dandelion seeds blowing in the wind against blue sky       Watch your Allergies

 Metabolism : A snail crossing a tape measure. Health concept. Stock Photo      Monitor your Weight   

Do you know your body?
  • Brain
  • Spinal Cord
  • Jugular Vein
  • Aorta
  • Thyroid
  • Trachea
  • Lungs
  • Heart
  • Esophagus
  • Stomach
  • Liver
  • Kidney
  • Gallbladder
  • Pancreas
  • Large Intestine
  • Small Intestine
  • Appendix
  • Ovaries (women)
  • Bladder
  • Uterus
  • Cervix
  • Vagina or Penis
  • Testicles
  • Rectum

     Spring : Clematis flower     Thank God for the Elements of your life

     Metabolism : A snail climbing up an apple by a tape measure. Health concept.            Take on a new lease on Life

  Spring : Spring flowers     Breathe and release all Burdens

Healthy Tips for Healthy Living:
  • Start your day with breakfast
  • Eat a variety of foods
  • Eat healthy snacks throughout the day
  • Eat whole grains, fruit, and vegetables
  • Drink water
  • Watch your portion sizes
  • Stay active
  • Lower stress

Live well
Doc V

Quick Tip - Depression

Good Day Cor-Les Community  we are still receiving questions on this subject. Please seek professional help (minister, mental health counselor, therapist, or psychologist) if you are experiencing these signs or triggers. 

Depression is a feeling of sadness, feeling blue, unhappy, miserable, and down in the dumps.

Remember the Signs and Triggers of Depression   Dark Sky : Eye

  • Trouble sleeping or excessive sleeping
  • A dramatic change in appetite (weight gain or loss)
  • Fatigue or lack of energy
  • Feeling of worthlessness
  • Self hate and inappropriate guilt
  • Extreme difficulty concentrating
  • Agitation, Restlessness and irritable
  • Inactivity and withdrawal from usual activities
  • Feeling of hopelessness and helplessness
  • Recurring thoughts of death or suicide
               Blood :   a bloody heart symbolizes unhappy love                       Dark Sky : Big ocean wave breaking the shore                 Dark Sky : Cross at sunset with a dramatic sky - horizontal.

For more information on this topic please see our Health and Quick Tips on August 10, 2010

Do not take life too serious
Believe in God, Let go, surround yourself with happy thoughts and people. 

I live by this statement every day from my father
(Charles T. Robinson)
"Life is a cinch if you live it by the inch but hard by the yard"

Live well
Doc V